Harshal Deshpande

Software Development Intern

My Resume

Latest Projects

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About - Visualization tool to demonstrate working to various pathfinding algorithms like Djikstra’s , Best first search and A-star algorithm

Tech stack - ReactJs, Bootstrap, CSS media queries for animations

Skills acquired - various pathfinding algorithms

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MERN Auth system

About - Secure user authorization system that can be used as foundation to a full stack application

Tech stack - MERN

Skills acquired - Building an API with ExpressJs and testing it with Postman/ Insomnia, MongoDB, JWT and MVC pattern

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Sorting visualizer

About - Visualization tool to demonstrate working to various sorting algorithms like Merge sort, Quick sort, Bubble sort & Insertion sort

Tech stack - ReactJs, Bootstrap, CSS media queries for animations

Skills acquired - ReactJs fundamentals, List rendering, state management, CSSmedia queries, sorting algorithms

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Realtime Chat App

About - Join or create a chat room and chat in real time. Fully responsive.

Tech stack - ReactJs for frontend , Express and NodeJs for backend , Socket.io for realtime data transfer

Skills acquired - NodeJs and socket programming

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